Mother Nature has many different faces. Among them Hinsha (Violance) and Ahinsha (Non-Violance) are two different faces which are just opposite to each other. At some places, she promotes Hinsha and at some places she promotes Ahinsha. Hinsha and Ahinsha are related with gain of some thing for self; it could be a power, sex, shelter or hunger. Normally Hinsha is inbuilt nature of living animals. They kill other for their requirement of power, sex, shelter or hunger. Being a human with having high understanding, follows both Hinsha and Ahinsha. One who is not killing other human or animals; they kill small animals like snakes, birds and pests etc. In such cases we do Hinsha. I am also part of this system. But when I came closer to nature by the concept of organic farming, I realized that I had used Hinsha at many places with small creatures. At farm, we do it at large scale. I realized that Hinsha of pests and small animals, we are disturbing Mother Nature. Instead of killing the harmful pests if we start non-cooperation with them, I am sure, we can achieve the desired results with well protected environment. Animals do Hinsha but it is up to their requirement only. Lion kills other animal but not in mass at time. With us, the element of greed is there and it is always creating problems. We spray pesticides to control pest but it is not always selective. Pesticides kill many other important creatures which are useful for us and eco-system. Follow here the principal of Ashahkar (non-cooperation). Do not kill them but repel them. The ways of repelling is mix crops, companion planting, avoiding the use of over dosing of chemical fertilizers. Apply only required doses of fertilizers. Use of pest repellants made with fermentation of locally available herbs. Pests are attracted by the aroma of plants so such fermented plants extracts will change the aroma of plants and they will not attract pests.
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